2015. március 1., vasárnap

36.Giles Deacon

Giles Deacon híres divattervező, aki világszerte ismert játékos és lélegzetelállító formavilágáról.
Giles a londoni Central Saint Martin Művészeti Egyetemen végzett 1992-ben. A diploma után számos neves divatházban megfordult, és rengeteg tapasztalatot szerzett az évek során. Közel két évet töltött Jean Charles De Castelbajac francia divattervező mellett, majd visszatért Londonba, ahol számos nagy divatháznál tevékenykedett. Ezután a Bottega Veneta tulajdonosa felkérte Gilest, aki ennek köszönhetően 1998-tól 2002-ig a Bottega Veneta és a Gucci Csoport vezető tervezője volt.

Deacon saját jelzésű márkája, a GILES, a 2004-es Londoni Divathéten debütált, és a kezdetektől nagy nemzetközi elismerésnek örvendett. A GILES számos elismerésben részesült pályafutása során: 2006-ban a British Fashion Awards az Év Tervezője címmel tüntette ki, majd 2009-ben a híres francia ANDAM Fashion Awards nagy díját nyerte meg.

Fall 2009
Fall 2009
Fall 2009

                                                                      Fall Winter 2011/12




2015. január 9., péntek

35. Gibo

Julie Verhoeven (born 1969) is a British illustrator and designer who has collaborated with brands such as Louis Vuitton, Versaceand Peter Jensen. While she is recognised primarily for her work in fashion, she has also contributed illustrations to books, magazines and album covers. Her work has been widely exhibited, including at London's Hayward Gallery. She is a design academic at both Central Saint Martins and the Royal College of Art.

With recurring retro references – particularly to the 1970s and pop culture – her illustrations have been described as "whimsical" and "Rock & Roll meets rainbow".The Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) noted that: "Her drawings, sculptures, assemblages, installations and video combine a rawness, at times reminiscent of punk, with a bewildering sensuality and a strong sense of colour and texture".
In a 2008 interview, she said: "For the moment I am doing artist/designer. I would like to be regarded as an artist eventually". In 2012, the Victoria & Albert Museum (V&A) acquired a large archive of her work (over 100 illustrations) for its permanent collection.

Verhoeven studied fashion at Kent Institute of Art & Design (now University for the Creative Arts), graduating in 1987. She worked first as an assistant for John Galliano, and later for Martine Sitbon in Paris.
In 2002, the Gibo by Julie Verhoeven fashion line was first shown at London Fashion Week, returning for the spring 2003 shows.

Verhoeven's illustrations have been widely exhibited internationally, including MU, Eindhoven and Vera Gliem, Cologne. London exhibitions included Saint James's in Bloom at the Economist Plaza in 2006. She has also delivered a presentation at the V&A and held an exhibition, Fannying Around, at the Hayward Gallery's space Concrete. In 2013, she designed the artwork and created an installation – Ladies Let's Rip! – for Bath in Fashion 2013 at the Holburne Museum. 2014 activities included a collaborative exhibition with Jimmy Merris at Hordaland Art Centre, Bergen

Verhoeven combines illustration projects and design collaborations with part-time teaching. She has been a tutor on the MA fashion course at Central Saint Martins since 1996 and teaches on the womenswear programme at the RCA, where she is also an honorary fellow

SS/ 2003 Ready to wear

SS/ 2003 Ready to wear

Fall 2004

Fall 2004

Fall 2004

Fall 2004

Fall 2004

Fall 2004

AW/ 2005

AW/ 2005

AW/ 2005